Work - Part 3

Scripture Reading - Ecclesiastes 3:13 KJV

And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to focus on “Work”. In the lesson “Work - Part 1” we focused on “work” being God’s idea and God’s Will for all mankind. It is said that it is so much God’s idea that we will continue our “work” in heaven that we started upon the earth. In the lesson “Work – Part 2” we looked at God blessing all different types of work whether you consider yourself blue collar, pink collar or white collar. God equally blesses working with your hands while at the same time you are working with your mind also, we think while we “work” about our jobs. In this lesson “Work – Part 3” we will mention your job as being a “gift of God”. Yes, you heard us correctly your job is a “gift of God”. Notice we didn’t say it is a gift from God, no we said a “gift of God” because working is of God. The reason we are repeating this phrase is because there is a big (huge) difference between God blessing you inwardly as opposed to what you receive outwardly. For example, if you truly believe your job is a gift from God then you would also be inclined not to leave it simply because you could easily think that since my job came from God it must be His Will that I stay with (in) it. This is the thinking of many in the Body of Christ. This type of thinking is flawed because the foundation is cracked. In reality God blesses you spiritually and mentally by putting gifts and talents in you that are specific to your job and your calling but those gifts and talents will work repeatedly no matter which job you are in. When we use the term a gift “of” God we (ihlcc) are basically implying that the spiritual substance you need to perform your present job well (successfully) are all “of” God. Wisdom, understanding, knowledge, people skills, interpreting information correctly are all gifts “of” God. All spiritual blessing are of God because we have the same spiritual substance inside of us that He has within Himself. Now we know some could say but all those things come from God too so what is the big deal? The only big deal that we are trying to avoid is thinking everything is from God because that is not true. Yes, all good things come from God but beware of those who preach or teach all things are “from” God. We believe in staying with the scriptures and the reference scripture for this lesson clearly states it is the gift “of” God because God is involved with all good, acceptable and perfect things in your life. However we must prove out what things are according to God’s good, acceptable and perfect will in our lives. Remember Romans 12:2 KJV which states: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Thus, we have a part to play that definitely includes our decisions and actions. We say this because we (ihlcc) don’t want anyone to think that God has to personally give them a job or else they shouldn’t “work” because typically God doesn’t just give anyone a job upon the earth without the help (aid, agreement, partnership, cooperation) of man. No man usually hires us whether you work in a private business or for a large company. Now, we will agree that God can give you favor and God can open a door for you to be hired if you select that job but make no mistake about it, you must decide if that is a job you want and if you are willing to work hard as a testimony to man about God. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance according to Romans 11:29 so please realize that these are spiritual gifts not necessarily directly tied to the natural job you preform. We see in the life of Joseph (Genesis 37:14) God helped him be an excellent steward over his father’s goods and he was already promoted to supervisor of the flocks to bring a full report back to his father. Now during that same time frame God gave Joseph a dream that he would be a ruler over his family members one day but that is not where Joseph started. No one starts off a leader because they must first be proven faithful by man and God to even qualify for leadership. The next job Joseph had (Genesis 39:2-6) was working for another man’s house and this man was not a believer but he was a person of leadership, interesting enough Joseph through good solid work ethic and wisdom rose up to the level of supervisor again. This is why we say being made a slave was not from God but the gifts and talents of how to be totally effective while in that specific position is definitely of God. Joseph unjustly was put into prison as a transgressor due to no fault of his own and yet again in his third job (Genesis 39:21-23) he rises up to supervisor of the prison where he was still treated as a leader working faithfully unto another man. That job wasn’t from God but God’s gifts inside of him were always working faithfully and wonderfully in Joseph. Joseph’s fourth job (Genesis 41:33-41) came solely by the Grace and Gifting’s of God. Joseph’s spiritual gift of correctly reading and interpreting dreams allowed God to open a door to the government of Egypt. Yes, the highest ruler in their government, Pharaoh, desperately needed help that no other man could give him but Joseph and when man’s need meets God’s remedy destiny is created. Of course that is when Joseph finally reached his calling in God to rule over many, including his family as God’s dream showed him at a young age. Thus, the point is you should be willing and able to work for any man good or bad faithfully because God’s gifts and talents are within you. Also, you shouldn’t try to find the perfect job when you need to work but be willing to take whatever job you can get. It is said, “Concerning “working” take the door of opportunity that opens for you and don’t close the door until you have already entered into a new door of provision!” If you do start a job be faithful there for a few years to see if promotion will come your way then look for any job after that if you so desire a better job but please understand it shouldn’t be based solely upon money but rather are your gifts and talents being properly utilized? It is God’s Will for you to work somewhere while He helps you to learn exactly how to be a good worker in Jesus Name, then your promotion will come in due season from some man because they recognize the gifts of God upon you. No, they might not be a Christian but even unbelievers recognize good workers and those who have a heart to help as opposed to selfish greedy workers who only have their own agenda in mind. In summary please work faithfully for man as unto to Lord and that way both the man who you received the job from will be happy and God, your Father, will be happy too because you are using the “Gifts of God” to prosper in His Earth. Remember, when you look good God looks good too because you bear His Name, the Name of Jesus as a true Christian light in the midst of a darkened and discouraging world. Amen!